• TPG can now provide services in rural exchanges
  • Customers don't have to go with BigPond
  • Great download quotas

TPG has just found a way to provide more people around Australia with fast ADSL broadband combined with large download data quotas.

It would seem TPG has made a deal with Telstra so it can offer ADSL connections ‘Off-Net’, or ‘Off the TPG network’. This means if TPG cannot provide you with a broadband connection using its own equipment at a telephone exchange, now customers also have the option of using TPG-rented Telstra ports.

You can call us on 1300 106 571 to find out if these plans are available in your area.

TPG ADSL2+ Off-Net plans

If you can’t get TPG’s awesome ADSL2+ broadband plans, you still may be able to get a TPG ADSL2+ ‘Off-Net’ plan for only a fraction more in price. This of course is still much better in terms of value for money for data and price when compared with wholesale BigPond prices.

For example, if you can’t get the TPG ADSL2+ $49.99 stand-alone broadband plan with 200GB, split 100GB in peak and 100GB in off-peak, you could now go for the equivalent Off-Net plan for $59.99. The only difference between the two options (beside the $10 price increase) is the normal TPG plan is shaped to 1Mbps when you reach your monthly data quota, while the ADSL2+ Off-Net 200GB plan slows down to 256kbps.

There are two other ADSL2+ Off-Net plans you can sign up to:

For $69.99 you can get the ADSL2+ Off-Net 300GB plan with 200GB in peak and 100GB in off-peak.

Finally, for $79.99 you can get the ADSL2+ Off-Net Unlimited plan, which only costs $5.00 more than the TPG network version, but unlike the latter, doesn’t count uploads towards your monthly quota.

These are all stand-alone broadband plans that need to be combined with a Telstra phone line, or at least a landline whose provider uses the Telstra telephone infrastructure.

TPG ADSL Off-Net plans

If you can’t get ADSL2+ on either TPG’s network or Telstra BigPond’s, you can still sign up to TPG's ADSL1 plans. 

Click here for TPG ADSL Off Net Plans

The TPG Off-Net ADSL512/100GB plan for $39.99 is probably the largest ADSL512 plan on the market. You get 50GB in peak and 50GB in off-peak, so you can start doing some really heavy downloading.

Admittedly, this is not the fastest speed around, but it is a huge amount of data for a cheap price. If you set up your computer to download music, TV shows and movies overnight, you could get close to using up the entire quota. When you do reach the limit you’ll be slowed down to 128kbps. Note: A 512kbps speed is the minimum you need to use a VoIP service.

The last option is easily the best choice for someone who can’t get ADSL2+, but who wants a fast speed on ADSL1 with a large download quota. TPG now has its Off-Net ADSL 8Mb/Unlimited plan for $69.99 a month. This literally blows any other ADSL8000kbps plan on the market to dust. (8Mbps is equal to 8,000kbps.)

This plan offers you the fastest speed possible on an ADSL1 connection, and with no data limit whatsoever. You will never be slowed down. The nearest competing plan would be iiNet’s (1300 106 571) ADSL8000 stand-alone plan with 50GB (split 25GB in peak and off-peak) for $80. It doesn’t come close.

All TPG Broadband Off-Net plans can be bundled with discounted TPG mobile phones starting at $14.99 per month with $700 worth of cap value and 500Mb of internet data.

TPG Off-Net plans come on 6-month contracts for a $59.95 set-up fee. This is a very cheap start-up cost for a short ADSL2+ contract.

You should also note all TPG Off-Net plans only count downloads towards your monthly quota; whereas TPG ADSL2+ plans (on its own network) also count uploads. Essentially, you can pay a few extra dollars and get uploads for free, thus freeing up even more data to use.

If you can’t get TPG ADSL2+ plans, the TPG Off-Net ADSL2+ broadband plans could end up being an even better option. Some people may even choose Off-Net over normal TPG plans!

Call us on 1300 106 571 for more information on TPG plans.