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Are there any NBN alternatives?
There are various other options available if you're not able to get the NBN in your area. It's important to remember that you don't get the choice of Internet type you get.
One option is to sign up for a mobile broadband plan which uses the mobile network to connect you to the Internet. This can be a good solution if you don't need a lot of data or if you need the flexibility of being able to take your Internet with you when you travel.
Another option is to sign up for a satellite Internet plan. This can be a good solution if you live in a rural area or if you need a high-speed Internet for tasks like online gaming or streaming movies.
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See internet plans offered in Alice Springs
NBN plans
Compare NBN broadband plans and providers with Compare Broadband. Find the right NBN plan for your needs.
Bundle plans
Compare Home phone broadband plans bundles. Find the right home phone and NBN broadband bundle that suits your needs.
No contract plans
Don't get locked into a contract! Search flexible no contact internet plans & find one that best suits you. Compare no contract broadband plans in Australia.
Unlimited plans
Unlimited broadband plans compared for you from our panel of leading internet service providers. Find the right unlimited broadband plan for your needs today!