- Bill Morrow has resigned as NBN CEO.
- TIO congratulates new CEO Stephen Rue.
- Mister Rue's role as NBN Co's Chief of Executive Officer is effective as of this month.
In the wake of former Chief of Executive Officer Bill Morrow leaving, the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman has congratulated Stephen Rue for taking over the position and becoming the NBN Co's current CEO.
Also known as 'TIO', the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman provides an independent dispute service for both residential consumers and small businesses that have an unresolved complaint about their internet or telephone service.
Commenting on Mister Rue's appointment to the role, Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman Judi Jones has said:
"Congratulations from the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman to Stephen on his appointment as Chied Executive Officer.
We also extend our very best wishes to Bill Morrow for his future and thank him for his supportive and collaborative approach in resolving complaints about phone and internet services.
"NBN Co and the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman have a productive working relationship focused on providing a positive experience for residential consumers and small businesses, service providers and the wider telecommunications industry. We look forward to continuing his work under Stephen's leadership."
After Bill Morrow stepped down as the NBN Co's Chief of Executive Officer, the NBN Co Board engaged an executive search firm to undertake a hunt for his replacement. The search firm ended up choosing Mister Rue, who had previously been working in a different department of the NBN, serving as their Chief Financial Officer, a role he has served for other companies prior. He is also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, and a Fellow of the Institute of Company Directors.
Mr. Rue said "I am honoured to lead the dedicated and hardworking team here at NBN Co, as well as continuing to work with our industy partners. I joined the dedicated and hardworking team here at NBN Co, as well as continuing to work with industry partners. I joined NBN Co because I knew it would make a difference to Australians. I look forward to contining this journey, which will have a real impact on health, education, job creation and prosperity into the future."
Mister Rue's role as NBN Co's Chief of Executive Officer is effective as of this month.
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