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Can you set up Internet plans before moving in?
If the current resident of your new house is willing to allow strangers in for installation, that's an option. But it's usually considered unethical. Experts recommend waiting for them to leave. We get that you're eager to start fresh, but if you want to set up the Internet before moving in, the current occupant's phone line and Internet might need to be disconnected first. There's also a chance the installer won't get permission to enter from the current resident. To set up your Internet, plan at least two weeks before your move. Inform your installer and provider of your new address in Bunbury two to three weeks before moving in.
How long does it take to change Internet Plans?
Switching between broadband providers typically takes about two weeks, but the time can vary based on the providers and specific circumstances. If equipment setup or engineering work is needed, it may take longer. However, switching won't leave you without Internet for more than a few minutes. If you're changing to a new NBN provider, which is called "churning," it usually takes 24 to 48 hours on business days. While you're still using your current provider, your new provider will notify you when the switch is complete. Once you receive this notice, just connect your new router and follow the provided instructions to get connected.
Do I need a phone line to get an Internet Plan?
No, you don’t if your main type of Internet service is any of the following: fixed wireless, cable, fibre and satellite. Even in rural areas, a landline phone is not necessary in order to get connected. Also, with an Internet service on the NBN, you no longer need an active phone line.
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