Queensland Internet service providers
Compare Internet service providers in Queensland by using our broadband comparison tools below.
If your Internet is often slow, causing problems like video buffering or online gaming lags, it might be time for an upgrade. Finding the best Internet provider in Queensland will depend on your priorities, whether it's cost, speed, or contract flexibility.
That's where Compare Broadband comes in. We have info on all of Queensland's Internet providers, so you can compare plans based on price, speed, customer service, and more.
Comparing providers and plans ensures you get what suits your needs without overspending on services that don't.
What is the typical cost of internet plans in Queensland?
With a home Internet plan in Queensland, expect to pay anywhere from $60 to $100 per month, depending on the speed, inclusions, and provider you choose.
How do I determine if my location in Queensland is eligible for specific Internet plans or technology?
The easiest way to check the NBN availability in your area is to use our broadband comparison tools at Compare Broadband. Simply enter your address on our website to find out which providers and Internet plans are available in your location, including respective features, prices, and speeds.
Can I bundle my Internet service with other services such as a phone or TV?
Most ISPs allow you to add a home phone service or a mobile phone plan to your Internet for an additional cost. But not all of them offer TV and entertainment bundles. So you would want to check your options before signing up for a new plan.
What type of NBN is best?
The best NBN plan for you depends on several factors including the type of technology available in your location, your Internet usage, speed needs, and budget. But generally, the fastest and most reliable plans are delivered using a fibre-to-the-premise (FTTP) connection which is capable of providing speeds of up to 1000 Mbps.