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Internet Plans by Suburb in New South Wales
Which NBN connection is best?
The NBN implements various connection technologies but currently, the best one is Fibre to the Premises because it delivers the fastest internet speeds. If you're not sure which connection type your property is connected to, you can check the NBN Connection Type Map. Don't forget: you don't get to choose your NBN connection type!
Do you need a phone line for NBN?
A phone line is no longer necessary for an NBN connection. You can opt for a Voice over IP service which uses your Internet connection to make and receive calls. This will save you money because you won't need to pay for a separate phone line.
How can I get better Internet connection in rural areas in Australia?
To get better Internet in rural areas, you can use a mobile broadband service or a satellite service. Mobile broadband is available in most parts of Australia, but it is not as fast as fixed-line broadband. Satellite Internet is available nationwide and offers speeds of up to 25Mbps, but it is more expensive than other types of broadband.